About VIVO


VIVO – meaning of “alive” in Latin, and Voice-In-Voice-Out in English. Headquartered in the United States since 2012, VIVO Contact has been specialized in e-marketing and serving small and medium sized enterprises with digital direct marketing products and services worldwide.


VIVO Contact brings you more than message delivery. You are equipped with a friendly interface. You benefit from timely analytics. Here we help you achieve a wide range of marketing goals, expected and unexpected.


VIVO Contact believes in bringing only the essence to our clients by working to the best of our professionalism and technology. The technology, system and interface of VIVO Contact are developed and fine-tuned in-house with the needs and concerns of SMEs in mind, and are based and computed in the cloud.


With minimal software and setting, our all-round marketing solutions in Email Direct Marketing, Mobile Direct Marketing as well as the one-of-a-kind QR code-enabled V-coupon are immediately and conveniently accessible. VIVO Contact is accessible not only online, but also offline. Our international office locations also include Singapore, Taiwan and, recently, Hong Kong.