Reject the Proposed Vehicular Access to 17 Bowen Road 否決寶雲道17號建行車通道

Reject the Proposed Vehicular Access to 17 Bowen Road 否決寶雲道17號建行車通道

13 August 2014
Petition to
Town Planning Board 城市規劃委員會 and
This petition made change with 2,709 supporters!

Why this petition matters

An application has been filed with the Town Planning Board to rezone certain Government Land along Bowen Road from its current Green Belt zoning in order to allow for the construction of private vehicle access road to a single residential property development .  If approved, the development would result in the destruction of significant public green space along Bowen Road and set an undesirable precedent for similar applications.  Accordingly, we are seeking your assistance to write to Town Planning Board and voice your objections before the August 22, 2014 deadline.  A form of objection letter is set forth below for your convenience.   We would encourage you to tailor your objection and include any further reasons you consider appropriate and examples of why the current green space is important to you.  Please also feel free to forward this link to others who you think might be interested. Thank you for your support.



Planning Application 規劃申請


[I/We] object to Town Planning Board Application A/H12/28 for the following reasons:

我 / 我們基於以下原因,反對在寶雲道17號毗連政府土地興建行車通道(規劃申請編號A/H12/28)。 


● The affected area is one of the most beautiful stretches on Bowen Road, one of Hong Kong’s most popular hiking and fitness trails. The proposed access road would lead to irreparable visual and environmental damage, causing real and lasting damage to the public’s enjoyment of this rare green amenity close to a very dense urban area.



●  The proposed area is currently government land zoned as Green Belt, which has a presumption against development.  Approval of this application would set an undesirable precedent for similar applications.  In addition, construction of a private road on Green Belt land provides no planning benefits to the community.



● Bowen Road is a narrow road with limited passing places and high pedestrian usage.  As such, Bowen Road is unsuited for any increase in traffic.



●  To support such a roadway on the steep slope would require very significant civil works, including cutting into the hill and the construction of retaining walls and/or very large support columns. The site plan provided is therefore highly deceiving, as it shows none of that infrastructure. The Applicant must provide site sections and realistic renderings for the TPB and the public to have a full appreciation of the proposed roadway’s visual and environment impact.



● The Applicant’s proposal to fell 113 trees (accounting for nearly 70% of all the 163 affected trees on the site) in a landscape sensitive area would result in adverse and irreversible landscape and visual impacts.  The Applicant’s proposal to replant trees off-site is unacceptable and cannot be considered as appropriate compensatory replanting.



●  Town Planning Board rejected a proposal for vehicular access to this house in 2002 (Application A/H12/14) for the sake of preserving the existing natural landscape and road safety.

 城規會拒批興建道路早有先例。會方曾在2002年基於保護現有自然照觀及道路安全(申請編號:A/H12/14) ,拒絕讓申請人興建道路通往寶雲道17號大宅。城規會今次理應以相同原則否決申請。


Accordingly, [I/we] request that Town Planning Board reject this Application in order to protect the public interest and preserve one of Hong Kong’s most popular walking routes.

基於上述原因,我 / 我們 要求城規會否決申請,以保障公眾利益及保護香港其中一條最受歡迎的步行徑。


*** Please write down your address in the row "City" for any update from TPB about this application.

請在City 該欄填寫地址,方便日後城規會提供有關申請的新消息。


About ABHK 開於美港聯盟

Alliance for a Beautiful Hong Kong (ABHK) aims to promote aesthetic values and the integrity of the natural environment in Hong Kong's public areas, both urban and rural, by being keen guardians of natural beauty where it exists and demanding gooddesign in man-made structures. ABHK incorporated in 2012 as successor to Lung Fu Shan Environmental Concern Group founded in 2007.

美港聯盟致力守護香港市區和郊野自然環境的美態和完整;同時爭取人造建築物設計優雅。美港聯盟於 2012 年組成以接替於2007 年成立之龍虎山自然面貌關注組。




This petition made change with 2,709 supporters!

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  • Town Planning Board 城市規劃委員會
  • Wan Chai District Council 灣仔區議會
  • CC: Alliance for a Beautiful Hong Kong 美港聯盟